For press inquiries, please contact Michael Mule' at or 504-301-6613.

To download high-resolution headshots of Chief Carl Ritchie, please click here and here.

Carl Ritchie in Bid for Sheriff

Friday, June 14, 2024

Chief Carl Ritchie, Republican candidate for Charleston County Sheriff, issued a debate challenge to his runoff opponent, Greg Kitchens, today. Chief Ritchie stressed the need for Charleston County voters to hear directly from the candidates, so they can determine whom the best challenger to incumbent Sheriff Kristin Graziano should be in the fall.


First TV Ad in Charleston Sheriff Race Launched by Carl Ritchie

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Former longtime Mount Pleasant Police Chief Carl Ritchie, a Republican candidate for Charleston County Sheriff, launched the first television ad of any campaign for the office today. The ad entitled “Hold the Bridge” tells the story of Chief Ritchie’s resolve to keep his community safe during the May 2020 downtown riots and the commanding of his officers to not give the Ravenel Bridge to a large group attempting to continue their path from downtown towards Mount Pleasant.


Longtime Charleston Sheriff Al Cannon Endorses Carl Ritchie in Bid for Sheriff

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sheriff Al Cannon, who served 33 years as Charleston County’s top law enforcement officer, announced today that he is endorsing Mount Pleasant Councilman and former Mount Pleasant Police Chief Carl Ritchie for the post this year.


Longtime Mount Pleasant Police Chief Carl Ritchie Announces Sheriff Campaign

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Mount Pleasant Town Councilman and former Police Chief Carl Ritchie announced today that he is running to be the next Sheriff of Charleston County.

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